When you are walking through the centre of Edinburgh in November, you would expect to see certain things; perhaps lots of busses, some cars, a fair few people, loose dogs and maybe even the odd chip wrapper....
None of these I would want to pick, take home and eat.
The last thing you would expect to see when walking through Edinburgh is a huge grape vine, laden with grapes growing over a wall on a very busy street!
I found one.
Does It Look Like A Grape Vine?
What About Now?
And Now?
There It Is!
As I was having a sneaky wee pick, there were people dressed in suits hurrying, joggers huffing and police doing, well, what police do going past. I just can't figure out how I am the first one to notice this!
I never meant to arrange the grapes to say the word "Ska". It clearly does though. Call it a Happy Accident!
Rather chuffed!
None of these I would want to pick, take home and eat.
The last thing you would expect to see when walking through Edinburgh is a huge grape vine, laden with grapes growing over a wall on a very busy street!
I found one.
As I was having a sneaky wee pick, there were people dressed in suits hurrying, joggers huffing and police doing, well, what police do going past. I just can't figure out how I am the first one to notice this!
I never meant to arrange the grapes to say the word "Ska". It clearly does though. Call it a Happy Accident!
Rather chuffed!